“Modern Idolatry”
READING: Jeremiah 10-13
Jeremiah lived in a world of cultures
based on idolatry (10: 3-10). His own nation, Judah, was given over to idols
during the reign of Manasseh and Amon, probably the period when Jeremiah was a
boy. In fact, Jeremiah says that Judah had as many gods as it did cities
(2:28). Also, each society around Judah worshipped many false gods.
Looking back on these religions from
today’s perspective, we have a tendency to look at an idol as merely an object
crafted of stone, wood or metal that worshipper’s bowed down to in hopes of
receiving good fortune. But that is not really what an idol is. An idol is
anything that we value more than we value pleasing God; it may control you, and
it’s probably something you can’t let go of. It takes priority over all things.
What are some idols we have today? Certainly work and possessions would qualify
for many people, considering the addictive way they are pursued. We each know
where our weaknesses are. We are the only ones who can correctly evaluate how
much of an effect our desires have on our spiritual life. We have to be willing
to make changes in our lives to ensure we are on the right path.
Jeremiah recognized the idols of his
time for what they were-futile attempts to replace the true God. Do we
sometimes pursue futility at a cost of our relation with God?
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