“What Makes the World go Round?”



There is a common saying that goes, “Love makes the world go around.” We hope that this is true, but at times it seems that “Money makes the world go around.” On a playing field that is not level, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s the same between nations with poorer nations being “mined” by the rich. All too frequently our lives our controlled by money; it is what we worry about and what we wish we had more of. Certainly, this can be seen by the words and actions of the young girl’s owners.

            As followers of Jesus, though, we are called to a higher calling than making ends meet and getting more. We are conduits of God’s love and grace. Having been loved, we are called to share love and to make love our “bottom line.”

Lord, forbid that we count our blessings in dollars and cents. Instead, may our blessings be experiences of your grace and opportunities to share your love with others. Amen.



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