“Jesus’ Betrayal”



Two events stand out in the arrest and trial of Jesus. First is the humility of Jesus as he is arrested and placed on trial. Jesus realizes that in order to fulfill his mission of bringing salvation to man, he must humble himself and suffer:

1.      Betrayal from his own apostles, Judas in the garden (18:2-3); Peter at his trial (18:17, 25-27,)

2.      Ridicule, from the high priest at his initial arrest (18:19,22), and in the selection of a known thief, Barabbas, to be released from prison over an innocent man (18:38-40), and the declaration of the chief priest that they had “No king, but Caesar.(19:17)

3.      Mockery, from the Roman soldiers as they placed a crown of thorns on his head and clothed him in a purple robe (19:2), and the placing of a sign over his head stating, “This is Jesus of  Nazareth, the King of the Jew.

The second event which stands out is the story of a political figure who will not stand up for what is right. As we read these two chapters we see how Pilate struggles to do what he knows is right, but like many leaders of today he allows the pressure of the people to influence him to allow wrong  doing to take place. Notice Pilates pleas:

   1, John 18:31: “Take him yourself and judge him by your law.”

   2.  John 18:38; “I find no guilt in him.

   3. John 19:4: “I find no guilt in him.”   

    4. John 19:6 “Take him yourselves and crucify him.”

    5. John 19:12 “From then on Pilate sought to release him…”

Notice the arguments of the Jewish leaders:

1.      John 18:30: “If this man was not doing evil, we would not have delivered him over to you.”

2.      John 18:40, “Not this man, but Barabbas.”

3.      John 19:7, “…he ought to die,..”

4.      John 19:12, “If you release this man you are not a friend of Caesar.”

5.      John 19:15, “Away with him, crucify him…We have no King but Caesar.”

6.      John 19:16, “So he delivered him over to be crucified.”

Pilate had the authority to release Jesus, but the pressure was too great. In Matthew 27:24 we read “So when Pilate saw that he was gathering nothing,  but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying  ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood see to it yourselves.’”




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