“Constant in Prayer”


BIBLE READING: Romans 11-13

                In this passage we see some wisdom that we can all take to heart.  Paul gives us three things to remember and put into practice.  All three parts of this verse can be relatable to any and every circumstance that we may find ourselves in.  Paul says that true Christians rejoice in hope, are patient in tribulation, and are constant in prayer.  Let’s take them one at a time.

            “Rejoice in hope,” Paul says.  Let the hope that you have in God cause you to live with great joy and delight.  Regardless of circumstance, we should always let the gospel of Jesus Christ bring us lasting joy.  Our hope of being made right with God through Christ, our hope of Christ returning, the hope of heaven, our hope in the promises of God, and so much more, are sure foundations that should leave us rejoicing.  Let your hope be stronger than your uncertainties.  Let your hope be stronger than your fears.  Let your hope cause you to rejoice.

            “Be patient in tribulation,” Paul says.  Do you find yourself in tribulation?  Are you in a difficult season of life?  Be patient.  That is easier said than done, right?  How do we be patient?  By knowing and trusting that God is in control.  His timing is perfect.  He does not make mistakes.  He has a perfect plan.  You can patiently rest in God’s sovereign control and power.  He is for you.  Trust Him.  Be patient and rest in Him. He does not make mistakes.

            “Be constant in prayer,” Paul says.  Personally, I struggle with this one.  I can go for long stretches through my day, especially when things are going well, without even considering praying.  That is not constant prayer!  The truth is that I am the only one missing out by not being in constant prayer.  We have the ability to communicate with the God of the universe, and yet we fail to use that privilege.  God wants to hear our hearts.  He wants to spend time with us.  He wants to empower us through our day.  He wants so much more for us.  Constant prayer throughout the day can unlock all these things.  Take advantage of the huge privilege that we have.  Be constant in prayer.

All three of these things are extremely practical for all of us.  Press into God today and let Him increase your joy and hope.  Ask Him for more patience in your tribulation.  Allow Him to deepen your desire to communicate with Him throughout your day.  Romans 12:12 can make a big difference in your life!                                                                                                                                                                                            -Selected



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