


In the last part of chapter 19, verses 36-42 and in chapter 20 we read of the compassion and concern that the followers of Jesus have for him. In chapter 19, Joseph of Arimathea, a secret follower of Jesus, and Nicodemus who had come to Jesus by night (John 3), step forward and take care of the body of Jesus by providing a tomb and rich spices to anoint his body. His close friends, John, Mary, and others who had been around the cross join with them in burying the body of Jesus. Overcome by sorrow they “bury” all of the promises Jesus had made.

What a joy however, when they arrive three days later to find the tomb standing open and the body of Jesus gone. Christ has now performed the ultimate miracle. To prove it he appears to Mary of Magdala (10-18), to the disciples with Thomas absent (19-23), and to the disciples with Thomas present (24-31).  Thomas had stated that he would not believe that Jesus had been raised from the grave until he saw the nail pierced hands and the gash in the side of Jesus (19-34), but when Jesus appears, Thomas drops to his knees and confesses his faith in Jesus. “my Lord and my God.” (28). To this response, Jesus states, “Have you believed, because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Praise be to God for all who have believed in Jesus since that time, having never seen Jesus.

John ends his gospel, by stating in verses 30 -31, “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book, but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

Chapter 21 begins with a miracle involving a catch of 153 fish by the disciples after fishing all night. This miracle brings a great confession of Peter in his belief in Jesus as Jesus questions him 3 times as to his belief in Jesus. This corresponds to the number of times Peter denied Jesus as he stood by observing the trial of Jesus. We learn from this that no matter how great our sins may be, Christ is willing to forgive us.

As Jesus reinstates Peter’s faith in him and the consequences he will face for his faith in Jesus, Peter becomes concerned about one of the other apostles, John. To his question, Jesus makes it clear that each of us will be judged by how we serve him and that we are not to compare our service with others. Each Christian is responsible for his own actions. “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you, You follow me!” (22) 




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