“Lifted Up”
In John 11 we read of the raising of a personal
friend of Jesus which introduces the theme of Jesus as “I Am the Resurrection
and Life. It also connects the use of “sign,” “hour,” “glory,” and ”belief,” as
major themes in John’s purpose in writing his gospel. These themes were first
introduced in John 2 in Jesus’ first recorded miracle. This chapter reveals
that not only can Jesus provide life after physical death as Martha points out,
but he also has power over spiritual death as well. Prior to this miracle, the
Jews had indicated a desire to kill Jesus several times, but now the Pharisees
and high priest announce that Jesus must die (49-53). Caiaphas, the high priest, had no idea that
his statement,”…do you understand that it is better for you that one man should
die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.”(.9). Without the
death and resurrection of Jesus from the tomb, there would be no reason for you
to be reading these devos.
Chapter 12 prepares the disciples for the death and
resurrection of Jesus whose death has been hastened by his actions and comments
in the raising of Lazarus. Jesus’ popularity is now at its highest as he
marches into Jerusalem in the Triumphal Entry and is praised as the promised
Messiah and King of the Jews. In spite of these events, the desire to kill
Jesus was still there. This antagonism led many of the followers to confess
their faith openly. There is a lesson here for us today to always care more for
God’s opinion than for the approval of men!
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