“The Lamb of God”
If you
compare the gospel of John to the other gospels, you will find that the other
gospels invite us to watch as observers as Jesus performs his miracles or
teaches the crowds and his disciples. In these gospels we are moved to
amazement to wonder, and then to worship at their portrayal of the Son of God.
In John, however, each of us is directly confronted with the claims of Jesus;
claims which demand a personal decision on our part. The issue of personal
response is clearly drawn, and each one of us is invited to believe. John 20:30-31,
“And many other signs did Jesus perform, but these are chosen so that you might
believe that Jesus is the Son of God and have eternal life through him.”
In John
1:1-18, John goes back before Creation to introduce Jesus as “the Word.” God
himself, who existed as the gift of life (1:4); and in “light” (1:5) that
conquers darkness or death. John leaves us with no doubt that through these
descriptions, the one who lived as Jesus of Nazareth is the eternal Son of God.
After John clearly presents Jesus as part of the “Godhead” on earth, in
John1:19-2:25 he lists several testimonies to support that identity. The first
evidence presented is the testimony of John the Baptizer. Because of his style
of preaching, John has been recognized as a prophet in the likeness of Isaiah
who foretold the coming of a prophet to prepare the way for the Messiah or
Jesus. (Isaiah 40:3) When Jesus comes to be baptized, and John sees the Holy
Spirit in the form of a dove rest on Jesus, he says “I have seen and I testify
that this is the Son of God. It was not until this time that John recognized
that his cousin while truly a good man (Matthew 3:13-15) was the Messiah (John
Next, the
writer of the gospel describes the testimony of personal experience of five men
who would come to believe in Jesus. Invited by Jesus to “come and see” Andrew
rushes to share his discovery with his brother, Peter. “We have found the
Messiah!” When Philip brings Nathaniel to Jesus, and Jesus knows this stranger,
Nathaniel confesses, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God: you are the king of
2 reveals how the miracles (signs) “reveal his glory” and bring belief in Jesus
as the Messiah. In John 1o:25, Jesus says “The miracles I do in my Father’s
name speak for me.” We also read in chapter 2 how the scriptures are fulfilled
as Jesus cleanses the temple. This relates back to a statement in Psalms 69:9.
The rest of the book will show how the faith of the disciples and many people
will gradually grow into a full recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of
God who will provide salvation to the world.
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