“Every Trial Can Be an Opportunity”



                Perhaps, Paul could have chosen a life with fewer problems, but he chose a route that would be the most effective for the Lord. That life had many difficult times, no doubt. Still, those trials allowed him to have a ministry like not many others have ever experienced. Unintentionally, Paul had an opportunity that reached many high-ranking political and religious leaders.

His bold preaching told many about Jesus. Many were angered, and Paul faced prison many times for his courageous stand. While incarcerated, he had the opportunity to give his testimony and the testimony of Jesus Christ to people he would not ordinarily have been able to reach. In Acts 23-25 alone, he was able to speak to a council of Jews and Romans, Felix, Drusilla, Sadducees, Pharisees, King Agrippa, the High Priest, Chief of Jews, Festus, and elders of the Jews.

            Many times, we too face hard, trying times. They are often hardships that we would never purposely choose to go through. Still, those trials can allow the Christian to reach people they would never have the opportunity to minister.

            One would never choose to face cancer, but many Christians have faced it.  They took the opportunity to witness to those they were sharing a hospital room with or with others getting the same chemo treatments. Certainly, those in a car accident would never purposely choose to experience a wreck.  That terrible event allowed them to pass a tract to the other person in the collision or to talk to the officer at the accident about salvation. Those in a long line at a store would have chosen a shorter, faster line. Still, it became an excellent opportunity to invite the person in front of them to church.

If we had the ability, I am sure most would choose an easy life without any trials or tribulations. One surrendered to be a witness for Christ can take unpleasant circumstances and use them for the glory of God. Those hard times take us to places and people that we would never have the ability to see otherwise.  Since reaching others with God's Word and its truths are the most important things to God, it is those unusual circumstances we face that often have us in a place where God wants us to reach out to others. Paul’s trials took him to people that he would not normally have been able to minister. To whom have your testings brought you today to be a witness for the Savior?                                                                     -Seleted




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