“God’s Everlasting Love”


BIBLE READING: Romans 8-10

                So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16 ESV)

                In our world each action, if valuable, must be performed in a manner incurring more benefit than cost. If an action costs more than it benefits, one is moving backwards. No fulfillment is resultant of regression, and no gain is typified by a heavier loss. This is how our markets behave, these are the fundamental truths of an efficient economy. This is the earthly economy. But what of heaven’s economy? What of the spiritual currencies by which eternal transactions are made? Should we operate according to the same principles of benefit and cost for attaining salvation? Do we ever try?

In Christ, our way has been paid. Our eternal life has been secured through the substitutional death of Jesus and His payment for our sin. Our evil was laid upon Him, the just suffering for the unjust (1 Peter 3:18), and in turn we are counted as justified before the Almighty.

                On this earth we labor, toil, and strive for success. Our greatest efforts can result in all the wealth and fame this world has to offer. But in the economy of heaven there is but one effort that will ever be counted as sufficient: perfection. Jesus is the only one who has or will ever measure up to God’s standard, therefore our effort and striving is not what ultimately pleases God, but Jesus’ righteousness mercifully counted to us.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -Selected



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