“Mission Minded”



                Acts 1 is a passage that always strikes me as somewhat humorous. The disciples are told to wait for the Holy Spirit, then they are told they will have to wait for the kingdom of God to come in fullness, but at the moment when Jesus has finally commanded them what to do in the meantime, they are left staring into the clouds. I’d like to say that I know better, but I think I too often find myself in a similar position as the disciples. I imagine I’m not the only one. We desire the return of Christ. We long to see him return in glory. But we get so caught up in the vision of heaven that we miss the reality of our task in the present. Too often Christianity is about “getting saved” and then waiting on heaven. Rather, Jesus’ command in these verses looks more like a task we are called to accomplish. It looks like a drama in which Jesus, the main actor, has given his role to the audience and told them to continue the play. On our own, we would be woefully insufficient. However, Jesus has promised the Holy Spirit as our encourager, our helper, our comforter, and our guide. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were emboldened and empowered to proclaim the gospel; by the power of the Holy Spirit, we too can and must do the same. I challenge you, just as Acts 1 has challenged me, to be missionally minded. Consider the ways in which God has called you to witness in your church, in your community, and in your life, then be obedient to that command. But don’t try to do it alone. Pray earnestly for God to empower you and connect closely with a Christ-centered, God-exalting, and missional-focused community that can help you in this task.


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