“The Bread of Life”



In chapters 5 and 6, John describes how Jesus serves as a source of eternal life for everyone who is willing to believe in him and follow his plan for salvation. In chapter 5, the healing of the lame man illustrates how God, working through Jesus, can bring man from a life trapped in death because of sin, dead to God, to an eternal life in heaven. When the Jews are in fury because Jesus healed the man on the sabbath day, Jesus states he is able to do greater works than this and give life to those who are dead (19-21); followers of Jesus can cross over from death to life, and escape condemnation (22-24); and at the resurrection, the reality of the distinction between eternal life and eternal death will be fully demonstrated (25-31).

Chapter 6, the source of the “I Am the Bread of Life” discussion illustrates the difference between “life” as we perceive it and “life” as set forth in these verses, which show that life is far more than existence. “Eternal life” is God’s promise of freedom from endless bondage. It is a vivid word picture which means far more than forgiveness of past sins. When God gives up eternal life, the life he gives us is Jesus’ own life (Gal. 2:20).  As a child of God, in place of fear and alienation, there is now a rich fellowship with God. In place of the dark scars caused by sin, there is a flow of a warmth which heals. From God we receive love, joy, peace, goodness, and gentleness. A life that is promised in heaven, but a promise which exists now in the lives of faithful Christians. 

Unable or unwilling to understand Jesus’ claim to be the spiritual food man needs to be a part of God’s family, many people turn away from following Jesus. The God who nurtured physical life in the wilderness can and will sustain the eternal life offered through Jesus. Several times in this passage Jesus speaks of God as enabling, or drawing, those who come to Christ through faith (43,65). The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in every conversion, opening the understanding of sin-darkened human beings to life in Jesus. This response of faith in Jesus however is never made by a person against his will.



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