Wednesday - June 29, 2016
Woodlawn Family Bible Study
IDEA: “Choose to take Action”
Civil war Colonel
Joshua Chamberlain, previously a Maine school teacher, was leader of a regiment
during the battle of Gettysburg. His band of men successfully held off many
attempts by the Confederate army to advance. Finally, with the enemy reinforced
and charging, and his men out of bullets, he choose to fix bayonets and charge
them. This so surprised the enemy that they turned and ran.
When faced with
the choice of standing up for right, the choices are to do nothing or take action. Choose to act. Do the right thing for the right reason.
A good
leader has the ability to inspire others to be their best. Choose who you
follow carefully. An army of sheep lead by a lion will defeat an army of lions
lead by a sheep. When faced with a decision many people say I
am waiting on God. However, understand that in most cases God is waiting on you to act.
Failure exists only for the one who quits
Don’t quit.
Make sure that, whether you are leading or following, you are going in the right direction.
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