Friday - June 3, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study


BIBLE READING:  Mark 11.25

“When Forgiveness is Difficult”

There was once a man who had been wronged. He spoke to his minister and said. “I will never be able to forgive them for what they have done to me!”  The minister then replied, “Well then, I hope you never sin.” We have all been offended in ways that are very difficult to forgive, much less forget.  However, if we want Christ to forgive us of our sins, then we must make sure that we strive to forgive others.  In the verse for the day, we see what Jesus has to say about forgiveness.  Try to imagine all the times that you have committed the same sin over and over again, and then prayed for forgiveness.  We cannot expect God to do something, yet be unwilling to do it ourselves.  Why would He be willing to forgive us, if we are reluctant to forgive others?  That should give us something to think about before we refuse forgiveness.

Imagine how hard it must have been for Jesus to forgive those who crucified Him.  Discuss where He drew His strength from to be able to forgive and how we might be able to access that same source.


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