Tuesday - June 28, 2016
Woodlawn Family Bible Study
MAIN IDEA: “Choose to seek spiritual wisdom”
Solomon was the son of David. God blessed him with wisdom, and he made many wise decisions (e.g., 1 King 3:22-27). Not only did Solomon acquire many riches, but he also acquired many wives and concubines, which proved to be his down fall. He let greed and self-esteem (vanity) creep into his life (1 Kings 11:1-11). Solomon choose wisdom for the right reason but as he aged he let his spiritual wisdom turn to earthly wisdom, which became his downfall.
Choose wisdom for the right reasons (James 3: 13-17). In these verses James tells us there are two type of wisdom. Earthly wisdom promotes selfishness, bitter jealousy within your heart (there will be confusion and every kind of evil), and boasting that is a lie and covers the truth. This wisdom comes from the devil.
If you have spiritual wisdom you will show your wisdom by living right. You will do what is good with humility and not boast. The wisdom that comes from God is like this:
- It is pure, it is also peaceful, gentle, and easy to please.
- This wisdom is always ready to help people who have trouble and to do good for others.
- This wisdom is always fair and honest.
Choose the people you call friends wisely (have a humble spirit, a servant attitude, don’t look for someone to open your door, look to open the door for someone.
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