Friday - June 10, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study


BIBLE READING:  Matthew 6:12-15

Forgiveness (You can do it)”

The major obstacle to forgiving is a lack of understanding of what forgiveness is.  Some of us confuse forgiveness with condoning unkind actions.  Some think when we forgive we must forget.  Some think forgiving is a statement that it no longer is a hurt. Forgiveness is a feeling of peace that emerges as you take your hurt less personally, take responsibility for how you feel, and become a hero instead of a victim.  Forgiveness is the experience of peacefulness in the present moment. Forgiveness doesn’t change the past but changes the present and the future. It means that even though you are wounded, you choose to hurt/suffer less.  Forgiveness means that you become part of the solution. Forgiveness is the understanding that hurt is a part of life. Forgiveness is an act that shows strength.  Our strength can be an example to others.  You may not know the powerful example that forgiveness can provide.  If you look around you will see friends, family, and others filled with hurt, sadness, and anger.  You can help many others with your example of how to overcome adversity and pain.  Many people confront the type pain you have suffered.  We forget how many people may be helped through your example of forgiveness.

Think about this ... “When someone hurts us we should write it in the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.  But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone whereon wind can never erase it.” Learn to write your hurts in the sand and carve your benefits in stone.

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