“The Rich Man & Lazarus”

                One of the most interesting stories contained in the book of Luke is found in the story of the Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16.19-31.  In this story, Jesus tells us about two men.  One, a rich man who had everything he ever dreamed of having in this life and Lazarus, a poor man who had virtually nothing.  Every day Lazarus lay at the rich man’s gate desiring to have just the crumbs that were left over from the rich man’s table, and every day the rich man passed him by.  As time passes, they both die.  Lazarus is carried to Paradise, while the rich man is carried into torment.  While in torment, the Rich man can see Lazarus afar off receiving the blessings of Paradise.  Of course, he wants to know why Lazarus is being blessed while he is being tormented.  Abraham explains to him, that while they were alive, the rich man had ignored Lazarus on countless occasions.  He is being punished for not doing the right thing and reaching out to help Lazarus.  The rich man begs Abraham to send someone back to warn his family and friends of his condition in hopes that they will not suffer the same fate.  Yet, Abraham explains, that cannot happen; they will have to learn that on their own.  
                There are so many lessons that we can learn from this remarkable story, like what happens when we die and what are torment and Paradise.  However, the most important lesson that we can learn, is to be prepared.  All of us will fall prey to the same fate as Lazarus and the Rich Man, and we will all be judged on how we lived the life that we have been given.  After we die, there are no more second chances, so we better be prepared for when our time comes.        


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