“Keep Studying My Friend”

I want to commend you and thank you for using our “Home Devo”. We believe it is an easy way to study the Scripture and we hope it only whets your appetite for a deeper study.  The “Home Devo” is one of many tools that you can use to grow closer to God.  In today’s world, many believe that is harder to study with so many distractions, but there are also so many more opportunities provided for us as well.  You don’t have to go far to find devotionals, websites, blogs and podcasts all available at the touch of your fingers.  In our reading for the day, the apostles, after hearing Jesus, discuss how sin and temptations were interested in growing the faith.  They ask Jesus simply “Increase our faith!” in Luke 17.5.  Jesus’ reply is very interesting “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”  Our Lord is saying a little faith goes a long way; but I do not believe the Lord was insinuating that we strive to have a small faith.  Jesus knows that every effort we make to grow closer to Him will bless us in ways that we cannot even measure.  Therefore, as you continue your study with the “Home Devo”, I want to encourage you to not stop there.  Do your best to dive deeper and deeper in God’s Word, and then allow Him to bless you.


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