“Work Attitudes”

 Matthew 20:1-16
Jesus was not only criticized in His day, but He is still criticized by many today.  In the Parable of the Vineyard we are shown attitudes about work.  In Christ's day there were those working just for the pay.  This attitude causes people to do less than their best.  They watch the clock, being concerned with putting in their time.  They observe what others do and compare themselves with their co-laborers instead of doing their best.
Many workers enjoy their work and receive high levels of satisfaction from it.  They are proud of their accomplishments or products.  Sometimes they say, "I would do this even if I didn't get paid."  This is the kind of employee any business would love to have.
Consider workers in the church.  There are paid positions in a church, but most of the work is done by volunteers.   This makes it harder still to get workers.  The earnings we get here for our work will fade away.  The earnings we get for doing the work of God is stored in heaven and can never fade away.  Not only this, but our work in the church effects our eternal salvation.


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