“My Dream Job”
READING: Acts 17, 18. 1-8
I love my job! I love my church family and I hope to be able
to spend the rest of my life here at the Woodlawn Church of Christ. With that being said, everybody has a dream
job…a fantasy job if you will. If I
could work anywhere else in the world…at any given time…it just might have been
being the Minister of the Church of Christ in Berea around the time 54-55 A.D.
When Paul visits them on his missionary journey, he has one of the greatest
compliments that could be given to a church, “…they received the word with all
eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if those things were so” (Acts
17.11). Imagine an entire congregation
that were daily involved in the study of the Scriptures to make sure things
were right. Their spiritual diet had to
be one that consisted on more meat than milk.
Now I know that I will never be able to work at the Church of Christ in
Berea. I am more than happy to spend the
rest of my days here at Woodlawn, but we can be better. We can all be better, can’t we? There is no such thing as a perfect church,
but there is such thing as a “perfected church”. A “perfected church” is a church that is
constantly working and studying how we can be transformed into the image of
Christ. May this church at Berea serve
as our model, to strive daily to be the best we can be.
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