Tuesday - December 20, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study

BIBLE READING:  Matthew 16:24-28

Daily Affirmation in God’s Word Day #2: “I Need Him to Use Me.” Jesus said to Peter, “I will give to you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 16:19). God needed to use Peter! I don’t mean that His all sufficiency depended upon it. I just mean that He was giving Peter a job to do. If I am able to understand that He owns me, my next course of action is to be used. I have a purpose! I need God to use me today in the service of His kingdom. 

When I correctly understand that as a Christian I am a part of the body of Jesus (1 Corinthians 12). I represent the hands and feet of Jesus while I continue to be on this earth. It may be Him using me to offer His words of comfort to someone who is hurting. I could also offer His shoulder for someone to cry on. It may be that He uses me to help someone financially who is struggling due to a lay off at work, or He could simply just need me to introduce Him to a stranger. 

Whatever the situation, I need Him to use me, just as He was able to use Peter to open up the gates of the church on the day of Pentecost. 

Application: If I am trying to step out of my comfort zone and get more involved with my faith, I need to remember that (1) He Owns Me, and (2) I Need Him to Use Me. 


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