Monday - December 19, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study

BIBLE READING:  Acts 20:17-38

Everyone has doubts about themselves at some point in their lives. Even when it comes to our faith, we all go through various phases of doubt. We may feel that we are small and insignificant. We might feel we are not as blessed in our abilities or talents as someone else might be. We might have fears about going beyond our comfort zones and stepping out in faith because we don’t want to fail. 

Sometimes believing in Jesus, is also about believing in ourselves. I am not advocating a religion of self or self-worship; all I’m suggesting is simply an affirmation of what the     Apostle John said: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Why is it we are constantly in need of being reminded of the greatness of the Spirit that lives within us? Sometimes we just have to constantly repeat it to ourselves over and over again so that we will begin to believe it. If we don’t believe we can, then we never will. Maybe some daily affirmations would do us some good. 

Application: For the next few days let’s try some “Daily Affirmations in God’s Word,” looking at Matthew 16:13-19 for our support. One of the things we struggle with is that we might not be as involved as we would like to be because we doubt our abilities, our worth, and our talents. Plus we struggle with being selfish. We would rather spend time living our own lives. So, Affirmation #1 is that "He Owns Me!" In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, "I will build My church.” It is His church and I am His child. Not only that, but He bought and paid for me, Acts 20:28 tells us that He bought us with His blood. He loved me so much that He was willing to pay the high price of His blood for me. I am bought and paid for, therefore any questions revolving any worlds like “my, mine, or me” have been dealt with. I am valuable, I am loved, I am His...He owns me! 


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