Friday - December 16, 2016
Woodlawn Family Bible Study
BIBLE READING: Psalm 119:1-16
When I was a child I can remember standing in front of my Sunday School Teacher as I recited back to her my memory verse of the week. I always studied my memory verse because I did not want to let my teacher down. I also didn’t want to be the only one in class that did not study his memory verse. I will have to admit, I did not understand the majority of those verses I had to recite back. However, looking back today, I don’t think that was the point.
David said “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). The word “hid” in the Hebrews means to “horde or keep in reserve.” That means that even if I did not know what it meant at the time I was memorizing it, I was keeping it in reserve until I did understand it and needed it. If our goal as Christians is to not sin, then David has given us the golden ticket!
Application: If we horde up the Word within our hearts now, we will be able to access it when we need it to keep us from sinning. How much Scripture does your heart have in reserve?
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