


            Throughout the book of Revelation, God has encouraged struggling believers to remain steadfast because ultimate victory would be found in Jesus Christ.  Even though the present section is the most debated chapter in Revelation it contains the clearest details of Christ’s victory over Satan.

                We are promised victory in an amazing picture.  We see that victory is possible because Satan has been bound (Revelation 20 v.1-3).  The devil cannot freely function in this world – he is restricted because Christ has triumphed (Colossians 2:15; Matthew 12:29; Hebrews 2:14).  Satan may be able to destroy our fleshly bodies but never the soul that holds fast to Christ! (Matthew 10:28) Second, God reveals that only His followers are true winners (v.4-6).  John saw the triumph of believers who suffered the anguish of attacks from the beast, false prophet, and great harlot.  These saints were victorious!  The oppressors were defeated and the oppressed glorified!  These triumphant saints have perfect blessedness.  Third, God pictured Satan’s utter defeat (v.7-10).  Once again, this defeat was announced.  Even though Satan knew he was defeated he gathered his forces and surrounded God’s saints.  But before any harm could come Christ utterly defeated Satan.  Through these pictures God promises all faithful soldiers a firm victory!

                We find that victory is promised to the persevering (v.11-15).  After Christ has struck the final deathblow to Satan’s army, the Final Judgment will take place.  The terror of appearing before the great white throne faces all men, whether great or small.  The Final Judgement will be just and solemn (Daniel 7:10).  In this Final Judgement, victory is presented to saints and the penalty for rebellion is dealt to all not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life.




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