“The Good News”



                When we first read Revelation 12 and the story of the woman giving birth and a dragon seeking to devour the child, the imagery can be quite disturbing.  Yet, for us as Christians, this should not be disturbing at all, but rather give us reason to celebrate.  The woman that gives birth seems to be God’s people, the spiritual Israel (either before Jesus as well as those who have become followers of God through Jesus).  This also comes from God’s pronouncement of judgement upon Satan, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3.15).  The child would be the seed that would come from Eve (symbolically Israel) and would crush the head of the serpent who is the devil, or in this imagery, the dragon.  That would make the seed of the woman and the child of the woman in Revelation 12, Jesus.  This is evident in how “this child was caught up to God” in Revelation 12.5 (the Ascension).  When the Child arises up into heaven the dragon (Satan) has been defeated and power, salvation and authority belongs to Christ (Revelation 12.10).  That is the great news for us today as the church.  It doesn’t matter what else might happen in our lives we can know for sure that the war has been won by Jesus and the gates of hell will never be able to prevail against the church.  Of all things for us today, this is some very good, pleasant and victorious news.  Praise God that Christ rose from the grave defeating the dragon!



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