“The Revealing of God’s Vengeance”
Moses was a unique man who had been blessed by God with many wonderful
talents. He had the unique opportunity to be born a Hebrew, but raised as
an Egyptian, enabling him to be the perfect choice for God to be the man to
lead His people out of Egypt. He was an exceptional shepherd and amazing
leader and the Bible is full of stories that reveal His humble character.
However, one thing that we never typically associate with Moses is his talent
as a song writer. The Bible records two “Songs of Moses, while he
was leading Israel; one after the crossing of the Red Sea, and then at the
conclusion of his life (Deuteronomy 32). In that song, Moses told Israel
that they would play the harlot with the gods of foreign lands, as a result
many troubles and evil would fall on them. God instructed Moses to write
this song down and teach it to your children so they will remember it. As
the song said, troubles and evil would come in the latter days to the nation of
Israel because of their wickedness. The prophet Joel also records the
events that will take place like Moses does in Deuteronomy. Peter who is
inspired by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, informs the people of the
first century that those days are happening now. Obviously, Johns audience
knows exactly what that song of Moses was about. Yet now we have another
song of victory, the song of the Lamb. This new song speaks of being
purchased by the Lamb of God, which the redeemed would understand as they have
been the ones that have reaped the benefits of Christs death and resurrection.
What connection does this new song have with the song of Moses? The song
of Moses speaks of Israel in a not so positive light as they will continue to
play the harlot and commit spiritual adultery. He also notes that the
ways of God are just and true and that the current generation of Deuteronomy
will not understand what that song means, yet this is when they finally do
understand in Revelation 15. God is reminding them that His promised
vengeance is about to be displayed. If you will remember in Revelation
6.10, the martyrs were asking “how long until you judge and avenge our blood?”
Revelation reveals that this judgement is coming…soon.
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