“He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth.”


These words are a conclusion of Christ's descent from heaven, from his ascension there, for if he had not first descended from heaven, it could not have been said of him that he ascended.  No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.” (John 3:13, ESV) 

Paul, along with the whole New Testament church, believed in the preexistence of Christ with God, before the world was, worshipping him as Lord, Saviour, King, Creator of the universe, Sustainer of the universe, or as Paul himself titled him, King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6:15). When it is declared of Jesus Christ that he ascended, the necessary deduction is imperative: that he also descended! How could a member of the Godhead otherwise ascend? How could the Holy One, with God in the beginning, "the same was God", how could He have ascended without first descending? This verse, far from being a translation, is one of the most eloquent passages in the New Testament, touching upon the glorious Christian doctrine of the Ascension of Jesus Christ and of his preexistence from all eternity with the Father.



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