"God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation"
Paul was compelled to give
thanks for the Thessalonians. The
principle reason for his gratitude is that they had been chosen of God. It was a dual choosing. God chose them through the invitation of the
gospel, and they were among the chosen by accepting God's invitation.
Christian is called by the gospel into salvation when he obeys it. (2 Thessalonians. 2.14)
The Thessalonians had obeyed the gospel and had come into this salvation,
causing Paul to rejoice with thanksgiving.
received sanctification when they became Christians and had continued to grow
in it. Nothing delights a preacher more
than realizing that those he has converted are becoming more and more devoted
to God.
praised God that the Thessalonians were set apart to live by the truth. God seeks a band of people who will honor His
Word in the world.
The new
converts were on their way to heaven, destined to glory. They would one day obtain and share in the glory
of Jesus Christ.
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