"Competes according to the rules"
apostle takes his metaphor from athletics. He advises Timothy that if he is
striving to win in his ministry, he will not be crowned unless he disciplines
himself to follow the rules.
games (whether cards, croquet in the backyard, basketball, or whatever), we are
often confronted with the opportunity to bend or to break the rules. The player
must discipline himself or face the penalties and maybe even find himself
disqualified. If a player breaks the rules in football, he receives a 5-yard,
10-yard, or 15-yard penalty. In some games, the rule-breaker just gets thrown
right out! The athlete, then, must discipline himself.
uses this in regard to members of God's church. If we desire to be crowned, we
have to strive within the rules. We have to discipline ourselves. In Timothy's
case, the rules are scattered throughout Paul's epistle to him. In terms of the
and the annual feast days, they are the only days in the entire Bible that God
designates as "holy." They are part of "the rules."
never gives His approval to any day of the week save Sunday, which is set apart
for our worship of Him. He never gives His approval to Halloween,
and all of the other manmade holidays.
There is nothing wrong with manmade holidays as long as we do not place
God's approval on those He has not authorized.
We have to strive for mastery within the rules and use them in the
proper way to be awarded with ultimate prize.
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