“The Righteousness of God ”

BIBLE READING: Acts 20. 1-3, Romans 1-3
                The term “righteousness” means “the character or quality of being right or just".  In most cases, it is used to describe the way a Godly person is expected to live.  However, in this reading for today Paul uses it to describe God’s righteousness.  I think we can all agree that God is the very definition of being right, but how is God’s righteousness expressed in our lives?  We know that God has expressed His righteousness by giving us grace, mercy and every other blessing that we have received from Him, but did you know that you can reveal God’s righteousness?  Is it possible for a mere mortal to be able to manifest the righteousness of God? Notice what Paul says in his letter to the Romans, “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it--the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe…” (Romans 3:21-22). The righteousness of God is manifested by those who have faith in Jesus Christ.  Our faith in Him opens the door for God to reveal His righteousness to the world.  It isn’t because of good deeds or actions that we have done, because that is how the Law worked, but God has decided to make known His righteousness apart from the Law (because the Law revealed sin over righteousness).  However, now through our faith in Jesus, God’s righteousness can now be made known to the world.  Remember, it will never be about what we have done, but what He has already did.  I pray that the world can see the righteousness of God living through you.
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