“God’s Finished Product”

Fill in the blank:  God is _________.
            Take just a moment to see how many different words you could place within this blank.  There are probably a million praise worthy words we could place within the empty space that would describe God, but for most of us the first word that came to mind was “love”.  One of the major themes of the book of I John is love.  In fact, the word love is used 46 times.  Now, it is easy for us to understand that God loves us and that we should love one another, but John takes it a step farther and tells us what that love will do for us.  “…if we love another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us”(I John 4.12).   When we love each other, we have the very Spirit of God “abiding” (dwells, remains or tarries) in us.  Not only that, but God’s love is “perfected” (complete, consummated, finished) in us.  Could it be that the Creator of the universe’s most powerful attribute is His love and when I share that love He brings me to my completion? The most significant of God’s creations, using His most powerful attribute.  Then, that attribute being made perfect within me? Let your mind wander on that for the day.
Prayer Requests:___________________________________________________________________________________


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