“The Noise in Our Minds”

BIBLE READING: Psalm 19-24

                You won’t have to go very far before you find someone who is on a diet.  Maybe they are not eating sugar or counting their calories, or they may even be taking some sort of weight loss supplement.  There is nothing wrong with people wanting to improve their health, taking control of what they are putting into their bodies; in fact, that is a very positive thing to do.  However, there is a problem when we become so infatuated with what we put into our bodies that we forget about what is coming out of our bodies.  In Psalm 19.14 David gives us a reminder about how those things that come out of our mouths are really more important than what we put in them.  “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”   If you were to have a conversation with my two sons, I can guarantee you that before too long the conversation will somehow be about basketball.  I know that because they deeply enjoy talking about basketball.  They watch the games they read the article and they are constantly reminiscing about previous games; basketball is a huge part of their lives.  When something is a big part of our lives, it just seems to flow out of us.  That is idea of what David is alluding to in this verse.  He further solidifies his thought when he mentions not just his words, but the “meditation of my heart”.  The word “meditation” is really a musical term meaning “murmuring sound” or “musical notation”.  It refers to noise that is going on in the deep recess of our minds within our thoughts.  Whether he realized it or not, David is leaving us with a prayer that we should be able to utter everyday of our lives.  How much of a blessing would it be for us, if we filled ourselves with so much of the Word of God that even the noise that is going on in our thoughts is praising God and giving Him glory?  Let this be a challenge for us today, that our words and our thoughts be acceptable to God.


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