Job continues with many sentences beginning with,
”If I…”; he mentions many things that were punishable. He says he is ready to
accept his own punishment if he is guilty. We admire Job’s words as he listed
these good activities. At the end of chapter 31, the words of Job are ended.
In chapter 32, Elihu speaks. The 3 men stop answering Job. They are aware
that “Job is righteous in his own eyes.” We are told that Elihu becomes angry
with Job because he justified himself rather than God. He was also angry with
the other friends. Elihu is younger, so he speaks last. He says, “Let God
refute him (Job), not man.” (Chap. 21ff.) Elihu promises he will not use
partiality or flattery.
In chapter 33, Elihu tells Job that he had heard
the very words Job spoke in his own defense. Elihu chastises Job for
“complaining to God.” God is greater than man. Elihu encourages Job to remember that “God
does all these things.” Elihu reminds Job that God has the power to help Job,
if he will pray and find favor. He will shout for joy and be restored to his
righteous state. Then he will be blessed by God, and the light of life will
again shine on him.
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