“God is Good”


God continues to question Job, but we notice He does not explain his servant’s suffering. When God gives Job an invitation to state his case, Job is in awe and he speaks to God; “I am unworthy…I put my hand over my mouth…I will say no more.” God reminds Job that as a man, he knows how powerless he is before God’s creatures. James 5.11 states that we know of Job’s perseverance and we know how the Lord ended by blessing him again. Look at 1 Peter 3. 13-18. In suffering we trust God. We may not be able to reason out what happens to us, or answer all questions man comes up with, but we can trust God. In chapter 42, Job replies to the Lord that “he” (Job) had spoken of things he did not understand. He continues that “now my eyes have seen you.” And “I(Job) despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”(ch. 42:6)
In the epilogue, the last part of the book, God speaks to Job’s friends. “I am angry with you (Eliphaz) and your friends because you have not spoken of me what is right.” They are told to take sacrifices and while assembled, Job will pray for them. God promises to accept Job’s prayer. The end of the book shows that Job was blessed in the latter part of his life more than in the first part. These acts of the Lord show us that He is a good and generous God!


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