“God is with us”


Man has always seemed to have a tension between faith and reason Which has priority? When, if ever, do we choose reason over faith? In chapter 27, Zophar gives his final argument. (Zophar’s name is not in the text; however, in comparison with his earlier words, scholars usually agree it is Zophar who speaks.) He repeats that God is God; and He does punish the evil. In chapter 29: ff, Job gives his final statement; he has nothing more to say, since to himself or for himself he is clean and blameless.
From Job we can think of friends of ours who are going through difficult times. We know that we should not condemn or judge. It might be good to write down a list of do’s and don’ts” of ourselves. We can think of our own feelings as friends try to comfort us. According to the The Illustrated Bible Handbook by Lawrence Richards p. 251, many people in O.T times assumed that all suffering is for punishment. While that may be true sometimes, it may be a natural consequence of sin. Ultimately, the root of human suffering is sin, and we are told that here in this life, all have sinned. We remember that ones sin often causes pain and suffering to another. Think of Jesus, who did not sin, but suffered greatly while on earth. Chapter 28 is ended with a good memory verse; “The fear of the Lord that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding,”28:28. (God is speaking to Job here.) As Job continues his discourse in chapter 29, he remembers with longing his life before the calamities. It is sad to remember that sometimes your life was so much better in the past than it is now.


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