
BIBLE READING: Psalm 68-71

                “Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.
                                                                                                                                                                    -Psalms 69:1-3
      We have all felt it…that feeling of being stuck in a pit, or even worse still, sinking deeper into a pit.  The more we try to climb out of the hole, the more our feet seem to slip and just get stuck in the mud.  The funny thing about the whole situation is that we more than likely put ourselves into this pit.  The feeling of being overwhelmed, as if we are drowning in the ocean of our own mistakes and problems.  Every attempt we make to save ourselves comes to naught.  We are depressed, distressed and overcome with a sense of hopelessness.  Even as I type these words, I can sympathize with the way David is feeling, we all can…because we all fallen into this hole. Sadly, after we have exalted all our other options, we cry out in prayer to God for salvation.  Yet it looks as though David knew to turn to God first.  Within the thirty-six verses of this psalm, David cries out to God by name, fourteen times with phrases like:  “Save me, Oh God”, “…for God will save” and “your salvation Oh God, set me on high”.  David knew that the only way out of this pit he had fallen into was God.  Even though we can see how down and depressed David was, he is also very direct, confident, and knowledgeable that God saves.  This just may be one of those psalms we should commit to memory, write on a note card in our wallet or post somewhere in our home or office.  Because at some point in time, we will all sink into a pit and need deliverance; let this psalm be your reminder that salvation if only found in God.   He should be our first and only source of salvation.


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