“Don’t be a Fool”


                In preparation for a recent sermon, I began to do some reading from the prophet Isaiah.  As for a little background of the book, it contains God’s words to the nations of both Israel and Judah concerning their upcoming judgement.  Within Isaiah’s prophecy, he foretells of the impending Assyrian and Babylonian captivity, but also offers a tremendous amount of hope for the future of the nation, not only when they return, but in the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of an eternal kingdom.  The more reading I did, the more amazed I was at how I could see God’s magnificent plan revealing itself right before my eyes.  In vivid detail Isaiah describes intricate details of the coming of Jesus Christ as the Savoir of the world.  All of this is revealed to this prophet hundreds of years before it ever happens.  How does that happen?  Is this just a coincidence?  Not at all! In fact, this is just one of the many thousands of examples that we could use to describe how mighty and powerful God continues to be.  Psalms 14.1 tells us that “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”  Only a fool, could read the story from Creation to present day and not accept its divine origin.  The most interesting thing may even be that the same God who spoke life into existence, is the same God who continues hear and answer my prayers today.  Whether you believe it or not does not change the reality of God being alive and active today. So, take just a moment out of your day and appreciate the goodness and sovereignty of God; only a fool would take it for granted.    


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