“More Beyond”

BIBLE READING: Revelation 4
                In Spain, before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, they believed they were the end of the world, that there was nothing beyond them.  The motto of Spain was, in fact, ne plus ultra, which means “no more beyond.”  Columbus disproved this belief.  Valladolid, Spain is where Columbus died in 1506.  Here you will see a large monument dedicated to him.  It is that of a lion and his large paw swipes away the “no” in the motto “no more beyond.”  It leaves “more beyond” as legible.
            John is doing that for us.  He’s saying to not be discouraged because there is more beyond.  It’s interesting that just as John saw into the throne room in Revelation 4, Isaiah did as well.  In Isaiah 6:1-3, the seraphim have their eyes covered, but continue to praise God (Isaiah 6:3).  In Revelation 4:8, the creatures’ eyes are open, and they continue to praise (v8).
            This serves to us as a reminder that there is “more beyond”.  Our purpose in being created is to praise God and seeing this allows us to keep our perspective in this life, and the eternal life to come.


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