“God is still in Control”
BIBLE READING: Revelation 17
imagine that most of us studying these home devos live in the United
States. In our society, too often, we
opt to keep things at peace. Usually
it’s because we don’t want to “rock the boat,” or cause any problems. Verse 14 is inspiring to those who would’ve
read this writing by John so that they would not compromise and follow the
materialism of this world (the harlot) or the worldliness (the beast) that
support that attitude. Many would have
been tempted in order to maintain peace.
But John urged them to remain steadfast because they would be on the
side of ultimate victory. “These
shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of
lords, and King of kings; and they also shall overcome that are with Him,
called and chosen, and faithful.” (Revelation 17:14). Those who continue with Christ will be
victorious as He is victorious. God
revealed to John that those who support the harlot will fail, ultimately go to
destruction, will become disappointed with the pleasures of the world but it
will be too late, and that God still uses them to accomplish His divine
purposes. (v. 10-17) God is still in
control. John is reminding us of
that. Don’t forget it. Re-read verse 14 and see how it is one of the
most triumphant verses in the Bible. No
matter what you are enduring in life right now, remember … God ultimately wins!
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