“Are you prepared?”

BIBLE READING: Revelation 19
            John gives us a view of the Lord’s return and judgement.  His coming can be seen in one of two ways.  It can be greeted as the bride greeting the groom (v1-10), or as one greets an enemy (v.11-21).  It is quite a contrast.
                Those who are prepared for Jesus to return are praising Him constantly.  The marriage of the Lamb (v7-10) provided great encouragement for the struggling believers.  The Jewish marriage had several elements: the betrothal during which time the intended marriage was announced, and the dowry was paid.  This period could last up to one year.  At the end of the betrothal the groom would go and claim his bride and take her back to his house to live.  In the wedding procession there would be shouting, dancing, and merriment.  After the husband had brought his wife back to his house there would be a great feast and several days of merriment would celebrate the marriage.  It is this joyful symbol that was used to show John the blessings awaiting faithful saints.  They (the church) were betrothed to Christ.  The interval between the betrothal and the marriage was the time in which they were living.  When Christ returned to claim His bride (the church), all the faithful would join the wedding procession and enjoy the wedding feast through eternity in heaven.  Thus, those who are “called to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (v9) are blessed.
                Just as the bride would meticulously prepare for her groom, Christians are urged to prepare for the Lord (v7-8).  All precautions should be made to appear pure and prepared.  It is difficult to find a symbol more fitting of the blessings awaiting God’s children!


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