“Write them on their hearts…”


            What does Hebrews 8.10 mean when it says, “I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts.”? 
                This large portion of this passage is quoted from Jeremiah 31 and intended to mean that in time God will send a new covenant.  Jeremiah further illustrates that this new covenant will not be like the old one that the Israelites broke not long after they had received it while in the wilderness.  This new covenant will not be written on stone, as in having just one copy, it will be more of a personal covenant; It would be personal in that each person will be able to not only have full knowledge of the covenant, but also why it was given – out of love.  This new covenant would be placed in their minds and written on their hearts.  God is simply telling us that we must memorize this new covenant, because that is what many of them had already done (Deuteronomy 6.6-9).  God knows that by just memorizing it does not guarantee an obedience to it.  It seems that God is implying more than just knowing and obeying, but rather more of an understanding of why it was given and then being convicted to follow.  David said in Psalm 1.1-3 that the man that would be blessed is that man whose “delight was in the law of the LORD, and in His law, he meditates day and night”.  This new covenant that would be written on our hearts, is a clear understanding of the sacrifice and grace that was offered by Jesus for us, but also of an understanding that God loves us and craves that we love Him back.  When it is placed in our minds, we can understand it, when it is written on our hearts, we have discovered a connection to it.


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