“Christian Hospitality”


                As Christians we are commanded to show hospitality.  Hebrews 13.2 tells us “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” We may know that this is something we are supposed to do, but I am not that sure we know what it means?  Hospitality is about people welcoming other people into their homes or other places where they work or spend their time.  It is about being friendly and generous to those people who are not just our friends and family, but acquaintances and strangers as well.  Why does God value this as so important?  Maybe we should try and look at it this way; there is an old saying that says “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”.  We must remember that we are God’s only plan to evangelize the world.  He has provided us a plan for salvation and has left us to make sure we share His plan with the rest of the world.  If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have not been doing a very good job at sharing His message with the world.  Could it be that God knew we would struggle with verbally sharing His message, so He provides us with a way we can share it nonverbally… by our actions.  When we as Christians open, not just our homes, but our lives, we allow others to see Christ living in us.  They see our vulnerability, our weaknesses and most importantly our love.  When we think about it, that is not only an easier way to share God’s message… but it is also a better one!


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