“Learning to Respect”

BIBLE READING: 1 Timothy 6- 2 Timothy 4                                                                      

As I read through I & 2 Timothy, the word “respect” keeps popping into my mind.  Personally, I just don’t see respect being given as it has been in generations before.   Instead of respecting those who fight for our freedoms, we see people kneeling during the national anthem.  Instead of respecting the police officers, we record them in case they make a mistake.  Instead of respecting one’s opinions, we criticize them for not showing tolerance.  Instead of respecting the Word of God, we simply pay no attention to it.  We must remember that Paul is writing this letter to Timothy, who is a young man.  As his elder, Paul feels it necessary to instruct him on how he should behave towards those that were older than him.  In I Timothy, Paul reminds him of those that deserve his respect; kings and people in authority (I Timothy 2.2), older men and women (I Timothy 5.1), widows (I Timothy 5.3), elders (I Timothy 5.17), masters (I Timothy 6.1) and finally the Word of God (2 Timothy 3.14-16).   Paul’s advice to a young Timothy is worth us taking special notice as well.  When we learn to respect our leaders, we understand that their power comes from God.  When we learn to respect those who are older, we learn from their previous mistakes.  When we learn to respect our widows, we can empathize with them and help them with their needs.  When we learn to respect our elders, we give glory to God who has made them our shepherds as they watch out for our souls.  Finally, when we respect the Word of God, we are understanding its relevance and importance in our lives.  May we not only pray for these groups of people but offer them respect and admiration for who and what they are…servants of God.


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