“We Need Leaders Too”

BIBLE READING: Titus 1               
                The island of Crete was not a very wholesome place for one to live.  The island was known to inhabit criminals and mercenaries who would commit heinous acts for the highest bidder.  It was so well known for being a place of dishonesty and deceit that Paul even quotes one of the Cretan prophets in Titus 1.12 “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts and lazy gluttons”.  In fact, if you were to call someone a Cretan, you were essentially calling them a liar. Geographically, the island had many strategic seaports that sent ships all over the known world.  The Apostle Paul thought because of all the dishonest, idolatry and immorality as well as the strategic places of the seaports, this seemed like a perfect place for him to establish a church.  Afterall, they needed Jesus and with so many people coming and going into the city this would aid in the spread of the Gospel.  In fact, there seemed to have already been several house churches from those who might have heard the Gospel on the day of Pentecost.  To aid in making sure these churches were doing what they needed to do, Paul leaves Titus with the task of making sure that these churches had the proper leadership.  Paul understood that if the congregations of Crete had a faithful and trust-worthy leadership, they would be able to weather the storms that many of the Cretans and false teachers were causing.   Today, it could be argued that our culture is very similar to that of ancient Crete.   We live in a culture were dishonesty among our politicians seem to be the norm, selfishness is prevalent and sexual perversions are widespread.  In fact, we need the same thing within our churches that the Cretans needed, strong God-fearing leaders.  Leaders that will confront and rebuke false teachings (Titus 1.13).  Leaders that will push for purity (Titus 1.15).  Finally, we need leaders that will profess that they know God and be able to back it up by their actions.  Specifically, within the text Paul is referring to elders, yet with the condition of our world today…a God-fearing leader will help.  May we all strive to be men and women of integrity and truth, so that others will follow our lead and pattern their lives after Christ.


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