“Jesus as High Priest”
READING: Hebrews 4
When you are studying the Bible, before
you can fully understand what it means for you, you must first understand what
it meant for its original audience. That
statement could not be any truer than when you are studying the book of
Hebrews. The book of Hebrews is often
referred to as the “Book of Better Things”.
The reason for that title is because the writer is revealing to a Jewish
audience all the various aspects of where Jesus is better than their former
understanding of things. One of those
basic aspects where Jesus is better is seen in His role as our High
Priest. The first century Jew had been
brought up and educated on what the role of the High Priest was for the
people. It was his job to make the sacrifices
on behalf of the people to atone for their sins. He was the only person who had access to God
through the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. Yet when Christ died on the cross and the
earthquake caused the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy
Place to be torn, God was showing us
that there would be no need for an earthly High Priest anymore, because Jesus
had just become, not only our sacrifice but also, our High Priest. Hebrews 4.14 tells us that “Since then we
have a great High Priest who has passed through the heaven, Jesus, the Son of
God, let us holdfast our confession.” Jesus passed through the ultimate Most
Holy Place when He passed into Heaven only to return to reveal for us grace and
mercy. Once we understand just how much
that meant to a first century Jew, our appreciation for Jesus becomes that much
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