“Monday Morning Inspiration”


            It is Monday, and it is going to be Monday all day long!  Monday’s are difficult for most people, but I believe this even more the case with preachers.  Most people can use Sunday as a day of worship and relaxation, yet for preachers Monday’s are more of a day of second guessing, exhaustion and some hard self-criticism.  That is why by the time Monday morning comes around I am already in need of a pep talk.  I love receiving my “Monday Moring Cup of Inspiration” from Dr Kevin Elko.  Each Monday morning, I receive my Monday morning pep talk that will carry me through the rest of the week.  We all need a routine pep talk, even those early Christians did in the first century.  After the Hebrew writer explains in detail how Jesus offers a new and better way of living, he continues to remind them of the importance of not giving up!  In Hebrews 12.12 he adds “…lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees…”.  In other words, he is encouraging them to keep going…don’t quit.  We all get weary and tired in trying to continue to do the right thing.  It is important for us to stay motivated to keep going, because the reward will be well worth our efforts.


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