“Encourage One Another”
READING: Hebrews 3
It must have been very difficult for Joshua and Caleb when
they made their case to take the land of Canaan. Their faith was strong, and they were so
convicted of God giving the land into their hands, only to be overwhelmed by
the amount of negativity they faced. Due
to the faith of Joshua and Caleb, they were able to enter their rest and retire
in the Promise Land. Yet due to the
unbelief of the remainder of the nation, God punished them by not being able to
experience that same rest. The parallel
of Hebrews 3 is clear, God still has promised a rest in His Promised land for
those who maintain their faith and believe in Him. Yet for those who do not
believe, they will never get o experience rest.
Let this serve as an example and a warning to us today, that we continue
to encourage one another while we still have the time. Otherwise if we fail to believe, rest is not
something that we will ever be able to experience. Therefore, “exhort one another everyday…”
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