“The Impressive Patience of Jesus”
READING: John 14
more I look at the life of Christ, I am in awe of His Power, His Deity and how
He handled going through with this His sacrifice. Yet as I continue to
study, I continue to be impressed by His patience. Let me explain what I mean
by using a personal story. My two boys love to play X-box with their
friends. Unlike when I was a kid, when all you needed was a console, a
game and a controller, now you have to have a console, game, controller, a high
speed internet service and a fancy headset that allows you to talk and listen
to you fellow gamers as you play. These headsets usually cost anywhere
from $20-$200, so it is imperative that you take care of them, so they don’t
break. Even though these things are expensive, they are impressive due to
all their bells and whistles that are included. One of the hidden
amenities of the headset that we purchase, is the fact that somewhere in the
production process of these headsets, they marinate the pieces with the flavor
of dog food. I say that because all the headsets that we have purchased,
our dog (Winston) just dearly loves to chew on. Knowing this, it is of
upmost importance that when you finish playing you must put the headsets out of
reach of Winston. We must have gone through 7-8 headsets through the
years, because the boys forget to put them up and leave them in the floor or on
the bed allowing Winston to have a late-night snack. It just so happens
that just a few weeks ago, we lost another headset to our beloved canine.
I was so angry! I called a family meeting with the boys and repeated the
same speech, that I am sure they could quote by now, that went something like,
“How many times do I have to tell you…You have to put the headset up! You
cannot leave them lying around for the dog to eat.” I was so
frustrated! If you are a parent, I am sure you have experienced something
like that during your tenure. I will have to admit, I have screamed,
threatened and even punished my kids due to their negligence. Why should
I have to tell them over and repeatedly? Why can’t they just listen? I tell you
the truth…if that happens to one more headset, I will lose my mind!!
Now…back to our Bible reading. In today’s reading Jesus is telling the
Disciples that he is about to leave this earth and go to be with the
Father. He has already told them this on many occasions, and now it is
about to happen. He also assures them that when He leaves, He will be
going to prepare a place for them so that they can come to be with Him
later. Thomas says to Jesus, “Lord, we do not know where you
are going and how can we know the way.’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the
truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you
had known Me, you would have also known the Father. From now on you do
know Him and have seen Him” Phillip said to Him, ‘Lord show us the Father, and
it is enough for us.” (John 14.5-8). It is at this moment
that I feel as if I can relate to Jesus, because Jesus says to Phillip, “Have
I been with you so long and you still do not know me, Phillip? Whoever
has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” (John
14.9). On numerous occasions Jesus had told His disciples
that He and the Father are one; if you know me, you know the Father. If
you have seen Me, you have seen the Father! You talk about calling ten
thousand angels to destroy the world…If I were Jesus…I might have called ten
thousand angels to whoop Phillip so that He never forgot again!! You see…just
another example of why I am not Jesus. Jesus had a great deal of patience
in dealing with those that did not know him, but He had great deal more of
patience for those that did and did not believe or understand. Make sure
you don’t overlook the patience and love that Jesus exemplified while on this
earth, but also be thankful that He practices the same patience and love with
us today.
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