“Don’t Overlook the Miracle…”
As Jesus completes this first miracle at the wedding feast at Cana
of Galilee, there is something interesting about the miracle that the text
doesn’t reveal. When Jesus changes the
water into wine, it says that the wine came from six stone water jars that were
there for the Jewish rites of purification.
Under normal conditions we read that wine was usually transported in
wine skins and not jars, plus their jars are not just any jars; they were only
used for water for the purpose of ceremonial cleansing. If Jesus would have had the men fill up the
wine skins, there would have certainly had some old wine reside in them causing
the water to be somewhat wine colored.
Not to mention, it might even have the taste of a very diluted wine,
that would have certainly caused some skeptics to doubt. However, to remove all doubt concerning the
miracle, these jars would have never had anything but water in them. Also, this wasn’t just a little miracle
either. Each water pot was said to
contain 20-30 gallons each…that is possibly 120 – 150 gallons of wine; to help
me understand, that would equal somewhere between 227-284 two-liter bottles of
Grapico!!! This is no small miracle
here. Plus, we mustn’t forget that the wine Jesus made, was the best wine that
they had thus far. So, before you just
read over this story, take a few minutes to soak it in just, how powerful of a
feat that Jesus had performed. Remember,
never overlook the miracle!
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