READING: John 19
I have never been one to wear jewelry.
Although, I do wear my wedding ring on the third finger of my left hand. I also wear my apple watch that allows me to
keep up with my steps, answer my texts, talk on the phone and oh yeah…it tells
me the time. I also wear a bracelet on
my wrist on my right arm. It isn’t made
of gold, silver or titanium, but on rubber.
It is brown in color and contains one word written in all caps in white
letters that says, “TETELESTAI”. I can’t
tell you how many people have asked me about this bracelet and its
meaning. The word “Tetelestai” is the
perfect tense of the Greek verb “teleo” which is derived from telos (a goal
achieved, a consummation, a result attained) and means to bring something to a
successful end to or to its intended or destined goal. It does not mean just to
complete a task but to carry it out fully, to bring it to the finish or to
perfection. It is only one word, but in our English, it is translated into
three very important words for us as Christians… “it is finished”. This is the word that Jesus cried out with
the last breath that He had while on the cross and is recorded in John 19.30.
It is a word of finality, completion and consummation. It describes the process of the redemption of
mankind from the depths of Hell with an opportunity to be reunited with our
Creator. His work of redemption is
complete, and nothing needs to be or can be added to it. Charles Spurgeon once said of TETELESTAI “it is an ocean of meaning in a drop of
language, a mere drop. It would need all the other words that ever were spoken,
or ever can be spoken, to explain this one word. It is altogether immeasurable.
It is high; I cannot attain to it. It is deep; I cannot fathom it. IT IS
FINISHED is the most charming note in all of Calvary’s music. The fire has
passed upon the Lamb. He has borne the whole of the wrath that was due to His
people. This is the royal dish of the feast of love…What a grand utterance (is
"Tetelestai")! Now are we safe, for salvation is complete. The (sin)
debt was now, to the last farthing, all discharged. The atonement and
propitiation were made once and for all and forever, by the one offering made
in Jesus’ body on the Tree. There was the cup; Hell was in it; the Savior drank
it—not a sip and then a pause—not a draught (a single act of drinking) and then
a ceasing. He drained it till there is not a dreg left for any of His people.
The great ten-thronged whip of the Law was worn out upon His back…Once
again—when He said, “IT IS FINISHED,” Jesus had totally destroyed the power of
Satan, of sin and of death. The Champion accepted the challenge to do battle
for our soul’s redemption against all our foes. He met Sin. Horrible, terrible,
all-but omnipotent Sin nailed Him to the Cross. But in that deed, Christ nailed
Sin also to the tree. There they both did hang together—Sin and Sin’s
Destroyer. Sin destroyed Christ and by that destruction Christ destroyed
Sin." As I wear this word on
my arm, it serves as a constant reminder of my sin; but it also serves as a
constant reminder of His love, His sacrifice and His plan to bring me back to
Him. Thank you, Jesus, for paying my
debt…in full.
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