“A Night That They Will Never Forget”

                They had participated in Passover their entire life.  Ever since they were young boys, they could recall the events that took place with their families as they recounted the events of the Passover Meal in Exodus 13.  Little did they know that this Passover meal would be one that they would carry with them the rest of their lives.  What made it so different you might ask; well for starters this would be the last Passover they would get to share with Jesus.  As they began that evening, they could tell that something was different about Jesus.  It was obvious that He had a lot on His mind; in just a few hours He would be arrested in the Garden and carried away to be crucified.  There was so much that Jesus wanted to tell them before his hour arrived. Yet, what He did may have been the image that was burned within their minds.  After supper, Jesus stood up, took off His outer garments, girded Himself with a towel and began to pour water in basin. He then knelt and began to wash the disciple’s feet.  Now just to note, foot washing was something that they were very accustomed to in the ancient world.  Typically, when you were invited into the house of someone, you would remove your sandals and one of their servants would come to wash your feet.  However, what made this so unique to their situation was this time it wasn’t your typical servant; this was the Creator of the Universe who was washing your feet.  Jesus continued washing feet until He had washed every one of His follower’s feet.  We only have recorded the intimate moments of this act of service with Peter, but every one of the disciples got a few moments of Christ’s undivided attention; including Judas.   Upon completion of His task, Jesus resumed His place and said,
“Do you understand what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.  For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”                                                                                                                                                  (John 13.12-15).

After all the events of the cross, the resurrection and the ascension, the rest of the disciple’s lives were lived out in a life of service to the Cross.  I bet every day, for the rest of their lives…when they looked at their feet, they remembered Jesus.  When they heard water being poured into a basin, they remembered Jesus.  When they began to grow tired of serving, they remembered the example of Jesus.  I know that every moment they spent with Jesus was memorable, but this one…was special…this one taught them a very important lesson…this one changed their lives!


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